A toothache is most commonly associated with untreated tooth decay. However, this is not always the case. There are also times when an accidental fall or a blow to the face can lead to a toothache. When this happens, the dental trauma can affect the root or socket of the tooth.
In most cases like this, the toothache pain is immediate. Yet in other cases, the pain might gradually build over the course of the next few days as inflammation sets into the traumatized tissue. Regardless of the timetable, you should always seek professional care for a toothache at Lodo Dental.
If you have any detritus or blood in your mouth from the dental trauma, you can rinse it away with a little lukewarm saltwater. This might also help soothe some of the traumatized soft tissues in your mouth. You can reduce swelling issues by holding a cold compress to your cheek for 15 minutes at a time.
You can try to rub the surrounding gums with a topical oral analgesic to help soothe the pain. Just keep in mind that this is a temporary relief of the symptoms and not a long-term treatment strategy. It’s helps reduce your pain and distress while you await your appointment at our clinic.
If you live in the Denver, Colorado, area and you have a toothache, you should call 303-623-5636 to seek treatment at Lodo Dental.
Call (303) 623-5636 or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We'll be in touch soon.